2022 Core Imagery 2

BEST Radar

Providing precision procedure and surveillance simulation

BEST Radar, the core of the BEST simulator suite, is designed to elevate and support the training of air traffic controllers throughout their careers, from basic rating training to advanced operational ATM system preparedness. Scalability, flexibility, and precision make it the preferred simulation system for customers worldwide.

With its advanced capabilities, BEST Radar offers an immersive, realistic training environment. It seamlessly integrates with operational systems, enhancing the training experience and ensuring that controllers are well-prepared, confident and poised for real-world aviation challenges.

Beyond training, BEST Radar plays a crucial role in airspace and procedural development, supporting air traffic management research and innovation. Its versatile nature allows it to adapt to various operational needs, making it a valuable tool for strategic planning and decision-making.

BEST Radar is not just a training tool; it's an essential component in the ongoing evolution of air traffic control standards and practices. Its contribution to the field extends far beyond the training room, impacting the broader landscape of safety, efficiency and air traffic management.

Core Capabilities


Comprehensive surveillance capabilities

Offers extensive surveillance features including PSR, SSR, Mode-S, ADS-B, and MLAT for robust training and evaluation.


Advanced data preparation suite

Automates the creation of airspaces and airspace elements, allowing for efficient and detailed scenario building.


Flexible and configurable displays

Features a range of customisable controller displays, including RAP and PAR, for diverse training needs.


Modern FDP functionality

Includes a comprehensive selection of FDP features like integrated CPDLC and AMAN, enhancing training realism.


Integrated voice communication system

Provides seamless and automated communication capabilities for realistic training scenarios.


Electronic flight strips

Enables efficient management of flight information, enhancing controller training and scenario realism.


Rapid prototyping

Supports the development of new procedures and processes in a controlled environment, reducing operational risks.


Customisable simulator experience

tailor your simulation environment with simulation, emulation, or stimulation, for more immersive and realistic training experiences.


Scalable and versatile

Adaptable to various training requirements, from basic ATC training to advanced and conversion scenarios.


Training & evaluation capabilities

Ideal for all types of training from ab-initio to advanced ATC scenarios, including abnormal and emergency situations.

Enhancing Training and Beyond

While BEST Radar excels in training air traffic controllers, its capabilities extend far beyond. It’s a versatile tool in air traffic control simulation, ideal for operational testing and development. From refining airspace management to procedure enhancements, BEST Radar offers a comprehensive platform for both training and operational planning, exemplifying its role as a multifaceted tool in the realm of air traffic management.

Expanding BEST Radar's capabilities with SimCWP

BEST Radar's partnership with Frequentis introduces SimCWP, a state-of-the-art simulation controller working position providing real-time simulation. This collaboration enhances ATCO training by closely mirroring operational environments, enabling more realistic scenarios. SimCWP offers advanced features like sector sequencing, enhanced vertical profiling, and CPDLC support, ensuring a seamless transition from training to operational duties. This integration marks a significant leap in air traffic simulation, driving efficiency and operational preparedness in ATC training and procedure evaluation.

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Exploring simulation, emulation, and stimulation with BEST

BEST Radar showcases the power of simulation, emulation, and stimulation to create realistic ATC training environments. Simulation offers a flexible, off-the-shelf solution ideal for a range of training scenarios. Emulation reduces conversion training time by mirroring specific operational systems. Stimulation, the most immersive option, integrates real operational equipment for the highest realism in training. Each method caters to specific training needs, ensuring efficient, safe, and thorough preparation of ATCOs.

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Refining with rapid prototyping

BEST Radar’s rapid prototyping capabilities allow for airspace and procedure refinement. It enables organisations to test and optimise changes in a simulated setting, ensuring efficient and safe implementation in real-world operations. From modifying airspace design to adjusting ATC procedures, BEST provides a safe platform for innovation. This process not only enhances operational efficiency, but when used effectively will eliminate disruptions, making it an invaluable tool for advancing air traffic management systems.

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Got Questions About BEST Radar? Find Your Answers Here

What training capabilities does BEST Radar offer?

BEST Radar offers comprehensive training capabilities from ab-initio to advanced ATC scenarios, including evaluation and development of new procedures, airspace infrastructure, and ATM systems. It's an essential tool for both training and research.

Can BEST Radar be customised for different training and simulation needs?

Absolutely. BEST Radar is highly customisable, offering various controller displays, offline-configurable FDP label editors, powerful scripting tools, and a full suite of data preparation programs. This versatility allows it to adapt to specific training requirements.

How flexible is BEST Radar in terms of operational use?

BEST Radar is designed for flexibility, allowing for multiple simultaneous scenarios, flexible licensing options, and synchronised audio recording and replay. It's built to accommodate a range of training needs.

Is BEST Radar scalable to different training and simulation environments?

Yes, it is highly scalable. You can change workstation configurations, create various airspaces, and tailor exercise scenarios to suit different training levels and objectives.

How does BEST Radar support operational research and development?

In addition to training, BEST Radar is valuable for ATM research, helping evaluate new procedures and processes. Its features and modular architecture aid in testing updates and changes in a controlled environment.

What is the significance of BEST Radar in Micro Nav's product suite?

BEST Radar is an evolution of Micro Nav’s first product and is the bedrock of our simulator suite. Its modular architecture and comprehensive tools make it a cornerstone for air traffic control simulation solutions.

What is the difference between simulation, emulation, and stimulation in BEST Radar?

Simulation provides generic controller and ATC toolsets for training. Emulation replicates operational displays for high fidelity training, while Stimulation integrates with operational equipment for immersive training experiences.

How does BEST Radar assist in evaluating new ATM procedures?

With its advanced data preparation suite, modern FDP functionality, and additional applications, BEST Radar is ideal for evaluating and developing new ATM procedures and systems.

Ready to Learn More About BEST Radar?

Keen to leverage BEST Radar in your air traffic control environment? Our team is here to help with any queries or to provide a custom demonstration. Get in touch today to learn how BEST Radar can transform your ATC training and enhance your operational strategies.